Giti Research & Development | Giti Tire Global One R&D

Research & Development

Giti Tire integrates five cutting-edge R&D and testing centers around the world, with a focus on constantly growing product technology.

Giti Tire Global One R&D grows and synchronizes its technology resources with the fast evolving automotive trends. With its technology centers strategically located in the United States, Germany, UK, China, and Indonesia, it is also able to respond effectively to specific local needs in a timely manner to ensure prompt availability and suitability of its new products for the respective regions.


The diverse Global One R&D Team develops competencies through the most advanced tools and joint development projects, utilizing its global technology platform for database, tire design tools, and tire performance simulations to provide timely regional product solution deployment.


Top Design & Analysis Tools

Giti's strategic focus on the development of computer aided design tools, materials and compounding technologies, and tire-vehicle interactions performance simulations also meet the stringent needs of global OE car manufacturers - with critical emphasis on wet grip, low rolling resistance and balanced dynamic handling. This includes advacned testing machinary that is used by very few other tire manufacturers.


Motorsports and Tire Technology

Challenging Motorsports Extremes continues to be an important R&D platform, where passionate engineers work in relentless pursuit of winning solutions through motorsports races. The finesse of these tire technologies are constantly transformed into better and safer tires for Giti customers’ daily driving. Taking tires to the track in the toughest conditions and doing advanced analysis is one of the strongest R&D development methods.

AdvanZtech Integration Into Giti's Tires

AdvanZtech technology is put into each Giti tire, combining advanced elements of Safety, Noise, Endurance, Fuel Savings, Smart-Tech, and Precision Handling. This gives unique benefits to Giti compared to other tires in the marketplace.


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