Message from the Executive Chairman & Managing Director | Giti Tire

A Message From Giti Executives - 2023

Committed to building our business for sustainability, success and the future. 

Gearing Up Toward Sustainability

2023 was a year marked with many noteworthy milestones as we renewed our commitment toward sustainable success. Building upon our current infrastructure, capitalizing on technological advancements, we continually improve our manufacturing efficiencies and quality, greenifying our processes and products, building a strong ecosystem for our future.

Incorporate cutting-edge technology into our products, Giti invests in the development of smart tires among other technologies to create tires that meet the unique requirements of new energy vehicles that have become a core driving force for the growth of high-quality passenger tires and will only increase into our green future. 

Gaining support from the Anhui Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Giti’s projects have been included into the Anhui Provincial Key Research Plan. Giti is continually investing into our R&D capabilities, building a solid core technology system, capitalizing on our Global One R&D Network to drive advances across Asia, Europe and North America to meet the diverse needs of the different regions.

We also began the construction of a new factory in Changfeng County Industrial Park, Hefei. Building upon our Industry 4.0 experience toward Industry 5.0, and Advanced Manufacturing principles, Giti accelerates the implementation of data-driven, intelligent and green processes in this futuristic smart factory. Giti’s existing factories have increased their adoption and implementation of renewable energy sources to provide endless power for sustainable development, with the Fujian factory reducing its carbon emissions by more than 10,000 tons every year through the use of photovoltaic power generation. Globally, our factories continue to implement technological upgrades, improving product quality while ensuring overall sustainable, green and lean manufacturing is evident through practical actions.

As we continue to venture further into the digital age, we remain nimble to adapt to, integrate and capitalize on the latest technologies, remaining focused on improving our standing in the tire industry while remaining committed to creating an environment for all our stakeholders to thrive.



Enki Tan
Executive Chairman of Giti Tire 



Establishing Foundations for New Energy Business

In 2023, Giti showed strong operational resilience and year-on-year growth. Giti’s OE market performance was excellent capturing market share in both the passenger car and commercial OE tire markets. We have close cooperation with important car manufacturers, making Giti a leading supplier for China’s New Energy Vehicle (NEV) OE market. Giti’s commercial tire division also had a good year in 2023, strengthening relationships with key customers and major fleet operators.  

Export sales volume to OE also grew as we capitalized on our collaborations with leading international automotive groups. 

Whilst growing our business worldwide, as part of our commitment to sustainability, we engaged with prominent automobile companies on topics such as carbon footprint, renewable materials, clean energy and increase in investments in sustainable developments. Recognised for our efforts in 2023, we are glad and proud that such efforts are being recognized as Giti is ranked No. 7 for Sustainability Perceptions Value and No. 9 for Most Valuable Brand in the tire industry worldwide by Brand Finance in 2024.

Giti will continue to invest in strengthening our core capabilities, our relationships with partners and building brand value. Together with all our stakeholders and business partners, we are dedicated to making continuous progress.



Lei Huai Chin
Managing Director