Mixed-Service Application Tires

Mixed-Service Application Tires

Mixed-Service tires need the combination of road support, as well as high-level off road durability, which Giti is proud to offer.

Mixed-Service Application

Mixed-Service use vehicles are among the toughest for fleets to source. In order to meet the demands, the following needs are required:

  1. Keeping high-mileage, fuel-saving, and safe road driving while driving to and from destinations which consists of the majority of travel
  2. In off-road aggressive service conditions, keep high durability and tread strength to overcome difficult road obstacles, as well as varied driving speeds

Giti provides a wide range of tires to such fleets around the world, with plans personalized to their conditions and needs to save fuel and worries.


  • One Way Travel Distance is Between 100-300 Kms.
  • 80% On-Road and 20% Off-Road. 
  • Vehicle Annual Mileage – 15,000 Kms to 115,000 Kms.
  • Average Speed is Below 50 Kms at Full Load.
