Giti Tire is integ
rated with in PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk. - the largest integrated tire manufacturer in Southeast Asia. Based in Indonesia, the company produces and distributes high quality tires for passenger cars, SUVs, commercial, off-road, industrial, and motorcycles. PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk also manufactures and distributes other rubber related products such as synthetic rubber, tire cords, inner tubes, flaps, o-rings, and more.
PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk is also proud to be engaged in numerous corporate responsibility and humanitiatian projects in Indonesia and beyond, and has won awards for its continued engagement in bettering the community.
Giti Tire’s relationship and roots with PT Gajah Tunggal goes back many decades. The quality of the organization and partnerships have allowed for the strong growth of the companies around the world.
Find out more about PT Gajah Tunggal at
Natural Environment
PT. Gajah Tunggal carries out a variety of activities to support efforts in reducing its carbon footprint. It also conducts sustainability projects for the conservation of the natural environment. In 2018, the following activities were implemented, among others:
- Optimized R&D structure for more sustainable and environmental friendly products/business processes • Greening the grounds of the factory by planting more trees. This effort saw more than 46,000 trees and seedlings planted in the factory's premises in 2018.
- Processed waste into compost to be used as fertilisers for the trees planted on the factory's premises, more than 8,000 kg. • Particular tree types were planted in the vicinity of the factory aiming to attract birds and create a pleasant environment.
- The General Service Cleaning Department successfully repurposed woods from equipment packing by turning them into furniture (tables, chairs, bookshelves) and remnants of iron and iron sheeting are repurposed into cleaning tools.
Well Being
The Company provided continuous education as well as a safe working environment for all its employees. Various programmes implemented during the year included:
Prevention Of HIV/AIDS
Gajah Tunggal conducted basic training on prevention of HIV/AIDS for 662 employees in 2018.
The Company also developed a "Training of the Trainers" (TOT) programme, where trainers were taught methods on how to conduct their presentations more efficiently. At present, the Company has 26 trainers. The trainers provide counselling in HIV/AIDS to both internal (new employees) and external audiences.
Sport Activities
Our factory at Tangerang continually organises various sporting activities for its workforce to keep them fit and healthy. The activities included training sessions for volleyball, futsal, badminton, basketball, table tennis and football. Their skills were further honed by participating in friendly tournaments at both local and regional levels.
Supporting Indonesia Goes Pink and IBCWE HeForShe Run 2018
Gajah Tunggal supports the Indonesia Goes Pink 2018 campaign to raise awareness concerning breast cancer.
The event was held in Alam Sutera on 14 October 2018, through a Fun Run & Fun Walk. GT strongly supports breast cancer awareness campaigns which are held in October. GT together with Lovepink urge people to encourage Cancer warriors and survivors.In addition, PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk supported the ICBWE HeForShe Run 2018 which was organized by the Indonesia Business Coalition for Women Empowerment (IBCWE) together with UN Women and the Australian government. The event was held on 4 March 2018 at Epicentrum – Epiwalk in South Jakarta.
Supporting the Happiness Festival
The Upaya Indonesia Damai Foundation (UID) collaborate with Project Semesta, to commemorate the International Day of Happiness and to socialize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to the wider community. They host the Happiness Festival, a two day celebration of “SDG Pyramid to Happiness”. Gajah Tunggal proudly supports and take part as one of the main sponsors of this event.
The purpose of Happiness Festival is to raise awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals, and new ways of happiness through harmonizing people-to-people, people-to-nature, people-to-spirituality and to engage people in living more sustainably.
Sharing Concern for Bomb Victims of Surabaya
In response to the appeal made by the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX), employees from PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk were dressed in white shirts with a black ribbon on the right sleeve. This was done to share concern and grief with the victims of the bombings in Surabaya on Sunday 13 May 2018.
To empower the community within the vicinity of the Plant, Gajah Tunggal carries out various activities that focus on education and health. These initiatives are in line with the Company's commitment to reduce the impact from its business operations by creating a sustainable livelihood for the neighbouring communities.
Blood Drives
Organized quarterly blood donation drives are conducted at the Indonesia Plant. During 2018, more than 2,000 employees answered the call of the blood donation drive.
Caring for Earthquake Victims
PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk provided aid to victims of the earthquake in Lombok and the earthquake and tsunami in Palu / Donggala in the form of goods. The aid was given in the form of rice, blankets, sarongs and bottles of mineral water.
PT Gajah Tunggal is committed to creating value for the economic well-being of its internal and external stakeholders by creating jobs and establishing career paths for them.
Polytechnic GT
Polytechnic Gajah Tunggal (Polytechnic GT) offers three Associate Degree (D3) programs - mechanical engineering, electronics engineering, and industrial engineering. The industrial engineering program started in the year 2018 after obtaining Government approval, receiving 150 students out of 1,920 applicants from 20 provinces of Indonesia.
Thousands of Polytechnic GT graduates have found employment in various manufacturing and service companies incorporated within the Gajah Tunggal Group.
In 2018, Polytechnic GT also started special classes for its employees, with full-scholarship for an Associates' Degree in Mechanical Engineering. The programme's objective is to improve the employees' competency and to build future leaders.
The success of these talented students is a testament to Polytechnic GT's commitment to develop qualified, professional, competent, committed, and ready-to-work graduates who will support the Government's programme to increase the skilled workforce.
Community Service by Polytechnic GT
Materializing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education philosophy, besides executing the education process, Polytechnic GT also provides community services. Amongst others, activities included the installation of solar panel lights. This activity was held at Kaliwenang Village and Sugihmanik Village, Central Java Province in August - September, 2018.